Chem Burks M. Ed., B.F.A.

Meeting the needs of kids who learn differently is a part of who I am. I chose to teach Special Education and have spent the last 30 years in public, then finally, private education. In addition to teaching and case management, I have served as a Department Chair, Principal over Special Education in a large urban high school, and Dean of Instruction.

I believe a Christian educator answers the call to reflect Christ in the service of students. My philosophy is to promote the type of inquiry that prepares students to discover for themselves that which is true and beautiful and worthy.

M. Ed. - Masters in Education Leadership - MCL - Lamar University

B.F.A., Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art, University of Texas at Arlington

Texas State Certifications: Mid Management (Principal), Special Education EC-12, Art EC-12, ESL, SIOP, AVID, TELPAS, Highly Qualified in English Language Arts

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